Sunday, January 13, 2008


Did anyone else here in the Pacific NW see that gorgeous sunrise this morning?! It made me crave fresh nectarines and plums. The air was redolent with the scent of wood smoke, and the birds were twittering merrily. It was beautiful.

It's turned into a fine day here... the bright hurty thing is up in the sky again (I seem to remember that it's given name is Sun), and the sky is bright blue. It's been a while since we've had a day like this.

The California travelers left at Ohgod O'clock this morning and are probably well on their way home by now.

I've managed to whip the PC into order and deal with some connectivity issues. I'm quite proud of my limited geek-ness.

Other than that, it's a quiet and relaxing day for me. I have some design work to do. Tom asked me to design some labels for him. I also need to get working on an order for Valentine cards. So I'll bet immersing myself in those projects soon.
As a former florist, I have little regard for Valentine's Day, beyond the commercial possibilities. The day brings me no sense of romance, whatsoever. But, I'll gladly cater to those who treat it as a day that is separate from all others. Heck yeah. Sure. You betchya. I can be mercinary when needed. *grin*

Oh! And!! I'm wearing the next size down in jeans today. They're a bit snug, but they're on and I can breathe without wheezing. Day 12 as a vegetarian, and I'm still going strong. I'll admit though, that when Tom and Dad took me out to breakfast yesterday morning, I really, really wanted sausage with my eggs!

Hope you are all having, or have had a wonderful weekend!

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