Friday, December 14, 2007

Oy to the World

'Tis Friday, at long last. Thank all the gods! It's been a long, tedious work week. People are getting crabbier by the minute. What's with that?!

Today is the Red Dingo company Christmas party. Translation: cold cut platter from Costco and a sparkling cider toast. Note my excitement. The upside is, I get out of work early and get paid for the whole day.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. No, no big plans really - just the usual stuff. I should attempt to do some cleaning (hey, do not laugh... it could happen!), will probably just immerse myself in my artwork or writing. Maybe I'll watch a movie (maybe = likelihood). Maybe meet a friend for some good bean. I'm looking forward to sleeping. Heck, maybe I'll go to bed tonight and just hibernate. Someone wake me on 3-Jan-08 when it's safe to come out again.

I'm ready for a new year. Ready for a new number in my head. Ready to leap into another 364 days that I can attack and screw up with great
élan. Yes, I'm in a rather sardonic mood... company Christmas parties will do that to me. Ready to be past the fucking whirlpool that 2006 and 2007 have been. It can only get better, right? It's gotta. Or don't even bother waking me on the third.

"When I know that I can't stand it anymore... I go one minute more. Then I know I can bear anything."
~Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa

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