Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for Fornicating

I'm kidding... I'm kidding. This isn't that kind of blog. Okay, it's usually not that kind of blog. Hardly ever.

F is for felicity: noun,
the state of being happy, especially in a large degree; bliss.

Why? Because it's Friday. Because I feel like having fun. Because I'm filled with felicity.

Reason? What reason... why does there need to be a reason? Happiness is a choice, not a reward.

It's funny though, even though I work for myself, and even though that means I'm usually working on something seven days out of the week (hey, it's art! It's impossible not to), I still get that extra bit of excited giddy feeling when Friday comes around. Y'know... like the fun's about to begin?

Evidently, Mother Nature agreed with me today. There's a great cheerful burst of dandelions on the scene outside my window. It's as if they are shouting, "Yeah! Lighten up!! Let's have a laugh!"

Let's have some felicity; let's jumbo-size some happiness.


  1. I have felicity inside of fornicating! I love this...let's have lots of felicity!

  2. Hahahaha I had felicity while biting into my first real brownie that I had in ages. :-D

  3. Me too I have felicity...hehehe
    do check out my G at GAC a-z

  4. I like your artwork.

    Visting from AtoZ. Best of luck the rest of the way

    Von L
    The Growing Writer

  5. I really enjoyed your post today. I appreciate a person who can find joy in dandelions.

    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge and decided to follow.

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

  6. Yay! Happiness, lightness of character and outlook, the joy of being happy and appreciating just the small things. it certainly works for me!Your post made me smile. (Once I got past the shock of THAT WORD, not that shocking, but I did read tentatively on...!)

    I love the card, if that is by you, which i presume it is! Fab. you are an artist. I just draw!

    if you are interested, I'm leaving you my A-Z link as blogger
    always identifies me as my shared blog with other poets - my A-Z is this one:


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